Our Journey

Building a unified Waikaremoana for our Uri
By unifying, we can start the journey of rebuilding our relationships and our future as the whānau of Waikaremoana.
At the end of May 2021, the group traveled to eight areas in Aotearoa identified as places where ngā uri o Ngāti Ruapani now reside to gather opinions and gauge aspirations.
Scroll down to read more about our mahi as a group since then.
Expanding the team
- We advertised for a Communications Advisor and Financial Administrator in the Wairoa Star.
- After holding a series of interviews we were fortunate enough to confirm and start the following in the positions: Te Iwa Rangihau as Communications Advisor and Paygan Johns as Financial Administrator.
We were put on task to negotiate a higher quantum figure.
- At our Hui-ā-tau we presented the Crowns first offer of $17 million dollars, you told us no it was not enough.
- We went back to the Crown and negotiated for a higher quantum.
- On the 16th June Minister Little wrote to us advising of a new quantum of $24 million less $2.466 million for our 50% share in Patunamu Forest.
- If we compare this to others who have settled with the same number of registered members this is a respectful figure from the Crown
On Saturday the 27th August 2022 we officially signed an Agreement in Principle with the Crown
Hui-ā-Tau at Te Kūha Marae
- On 9th April 2022, we held the Hui-ā-Tau at Te Kūha Marae and by livestream link.
- There were 24 whānau who attended the hui in person, and around 29 who joined via the Livestream.
- We will attach a copy of the Hui ā Tau presentation, Financial Report, and Previous Meetings.
Crown presents offer
- Ngāti Ruapani mai Waikaremoana Negotiation Group reconvened with the Crown treaty office after having not met for some time due to Covid's second wave.
- The Crown Treaty Office Te Arawhiti Senior Historian presented the Crown acknowledgments.
- Crown presents the first Crown Offer.
Addressing false claims and incorrect statements about NRMW and its Trustees.
- At the hapū hui held on the 6th November 2022 at Waimako Marae the hapu and NRMW representatives addressed the untruths head-on.
- Hapū agree that there should be only one house for Waikaremoana, as if there are two houses then there will only be division and separation, and that they will not go back and undo their support for Ngati Ruapani mai Waikaremoana.
Hui-ā-Tau at Waimako Marae + the Aspirations Movie
- On the 10th April 2021 the hui a tau was held at Te Waimako Marae. This would be the first official showing of the Aspirations Movie. The Negotiation Group led out with updates, noting that whilst COVID-19 had an impact, work still continued but at a more conservative pace.
- Tamariki filled the whare with giggles and gasps as they marveled at themselves when they appeared on the screen.
- After the movie whānau split up into small groups and shared the aspirations they had for Waikaremoana Education, Mana Motuhake, Culture and Identity, and Manaaki te Whenua. After the group exercise, the group shared their response.
- All in all it was a good hui, there was a positive vibe, and good discussions and questions were asked.
Aspirations Roadshow
- In May and June 2021, the Negotiating Group travelled to four rōhe to present the Aspirations Movie, and gather aspirations. Some of the aspirations were similar, whilst others were something that most take for granted such as wanting a shop, but mostly the aspirations were wanting the Ngati Ruapani claim to be settled.
- The roadshows drew a lot of interest. Unfortunately due to protests and unbalanced reporting that upset our Rangatahi it was agreed to pause the roadshow at Ngatapa and postpone to a later date.
Kapu tī with our whanaunga Iwi
- Between June and July 2021, Neuton Lambert (Te Kūhā Tārewa representative), and Hemi Waiwai (Te Kūhā Tārewa representative) met with whanaunga Iwi.
- NRMW received support from Tūhoe, Ngati Pahauwera, Tatau Tatau, Te Whānau a Kai, Ngāi Tamanuhiri - hui with Te Aitanga a Mahaki and Rongowhakaata are yet to be scheduled.
January 2019 voting results confirmed - by independent voting officer ELECTIONZ with a majority YES vote of 86% supporting the roopu and moving.
Between February and July 2019 Crown/Negotiation Group discussions - ensuring maximum fairness and inclusivity in fine-tuning the Deed of Mandate and further hui with other Ruapani entities and Stakeholders.
On the 26 July 2019 public submissions were opened.
Te Arawhiti (formally known as the Office of Treaty Settlements) and Te Puni Kokiri agree to publically advertise the Ngati Ruapani mai Waikaremoana draft deed of mandate for public submission.
From the 24th of May 2018 to the 2nd of July 2018, the Ngati Ruapani mai Waikaremoana Negotiating Group traveled Aotearoa holding a series of hui to collectively discuss the claims throughout the motu and hear the whanau korero.
We visited Poneke, Christchurch, Hastings, Auckland, Rotorua, Taneatua, Gisborne, and Waikaremoana. To read more about the discussions held at these hui click here.
In December mandate voting hui were held to seek the mandate to enter into negotiations with the Crown.
Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS) advises the Ngati Ruapani representative groups they will only deal with one group.
Te Toi Kura approached Waikaremoana Tribal Authority to test the interest and appetite to come together and form a negotiation group for Ngati Ruapani.
The Tribal Authority accepted and formed Ngati Ruapani mai Waikaremoana Working group.
Elections for the newly formed NRMW working group are held - elected for Te Kuha representatives are Nicki Lambert and Neuton Lambert, Te Waimako representatives are Tina Wagner and Te Ori Paki, Te Toi Kura representative Kara Dentice, and Waikaremoana Tribal representative is Malcolm Tuahine.
Definition of Ngati Ruapani mai Waikaremoana is agreed on - The whanau of Te Kuha Marae, Te Waimako Marae who descend from one or more of the tipuna Hinekura, Pukehore, and or Tuwai.
A former member of Te Toi Kura organised a meeting at Te Kuha Marae with the purpose of seeking the endorsement of Ngāti Ruapani uri to establish a new group to lead the Ngāti Ruapani Claim.
As a result of this hui a new group called Te Tatau Pounamu was established.
Members of Te Toi Kura and other uri of Ngāti Ruapani at the hui did not agree with the establishment of the new group and continued to progress as Te Toi Kura. Te Toi Kura and Te Tatau Pounamu continued to meet, their priority was finding a way for how the two groups could work together.
Te Toi Kura was the entity established to lead the Ngati Ruapani claims. Around that time they sought a mandate to negotiate the full and final settlement of the Ngāti Ruapani claims.
Te Toi Kura were unsuccessful in receiving a mandate from the people of Ngāti Ruapani to lead the settlement of the claim.
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